by pauldance | Jun 8, 2013 | paul's dance musings
Cool review in the LA Times of Artistic Director Amy “Catfox” Campion’s company, Antics, in performance of Illuminated Manuscript with a photo by yours...
by pauldance | May 11, 2013 | companies
The Underground, Marquisa “Miss Prissy” Gardner, founder/director/ all images by paul...
by pauldance | Apr 17, 2013 | paul's dance musings
Dance is beneath language. Not as in “below” or “less than,” but as in closer to the source: the source of all things, the rich and fertile emptiness (Yin) from which all things (Yang) arise, there lies dance. Received through the senses, felt...
by pauldance | Nov 4, 2012 | companies
Antics Multimedia Hip Hop Dance Theater, Amy ‘Catfox” Campion, Artistic all images by paul...
by pauldance | Aug 21, 2012 | dancers
Sarah Marquelle Kruger, Dancer, Choreographerall images by paul...